Beau Beard

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Introducing Blackjack Education

Dr. Beau and Audra discuss their new venture, Blackjack Education, which aims to provide a unique and fun approach to continuing education for chiropractors. They share the story of how the idea came about during a trip to Prague and their vision for the future of clinical education. The first course, featuring Brett Winchester, is set to take place in Nashville in April 2025. They emphasize the importance of networking and building a community within the chiropractic profession, as well as the need for business seminars led by non-chiropractic experts. They also highlight the value of having fun and laughter in the learning process. In this conversation, Dr. Beau and Audra discuss their advice for chiropractors in their first year of practice. They emphasize the importance of learning motion palpation and becoming comfortable with adjusting. They also highlight the significance of DNS A (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization) as a foundation for chiropractic practice. They discuss the value of ongoing education and the need for a community that supports growth and learning. They announce a giveaway for a free spot in a DNS A course and discuss their plans for future courses and events.


00:00 Introducing Blackjack Education

10:43 The First Course: Brett Winchester in Nashville

15:06 Building a Community and Networking

17:38 Beyond Clinical Education: Business Seminars

20:11 The Power of Fun and Laughter in Learning

22:14 The Importance of DNS A as a Foundation

24:45 The Significance of Specific Skill Sets

27:46 The Need for a Community of Professionals

30:15 Building a Supportive Community

35:13 The Importance of Collaboration and Growth

39:45 The Best Bet in Education


Dr. Beau (00:00.174)

Cool. Yeah. Well, I'm driving to sunny Illinois this weekend. That's our big trip. Yeah. That's where I'm from. So it's my mom's 70th and we're doing, she'll never listen to this, but we're having a surprise birthday party. If this ruins a surprise, I'll be impressed with my mom's podcast skills. So yeah. Yeah. I like to record because we miss all the good stuff, the side banter and all that fun stuff. Look at you with your team USA. Are you even watching the Olympics?

Audra (00:04.248)


Audra (00:09.313)

Audra (00:16.229)

my gosh. Okay, so we're live. We're going. We're doing this damn thing.

Okay. Yeah. Well, I know I'm wrapping it. Yes, a little bit when I'm home, like can catch it. Or I like see the snid bet, like, you know, replays of stuff, but yeah.

Dr. Beau (00:32.43)

Yeah. Did you see the, pommel horse guy? what it pod. So the guy that he basically has Coke bottle glasses can do a Rubik's cube in less than 10 seconds. And he only does pommel horse and he sat through five rotations. like two and a half hours and showed up, scored out. They got the bronze medal, go back on the podium for the first time since 2008.

Audra (00:37.019)

No, I did not.

Audra (00:56.253)

Yeah, I saw that they won medals since 2000 or like 16 years. Like that's awesome. Yay.

Dr. Beau (01:01.026)

Yeah. Yeah. Pretty legit. Yeah. So we've been watching him paying attention to all that fun stuff, but the reason for the podcast, and I wish maybe I'll have some fancy sound effect drum roll or something, but Audra or Aja, if you're in Czech Republic, and I kind of started talking. do you want to tell a story? You me to tell a story of how this all came about? I think that'd be a good way to kind of get into it. Okay.

Audra (01:09.585)

Woo woo!

Audra (01:27.869)

You tell it and then I can ad

Dr. Beau (01:31.672)

So we went to Czech Republic to the rehab hospital, the Motel hospital this past August. And basically you're there for a week. Anybody that's in the DNS world knows that's kind of the last, not the last thing, but you, you know, to be certified and then you can go back as much as you want. You go to the hospital every day, no air conditioning. You get your basically heads filled with a bunch of knowledge and get shown up by all the clinicians there.

And you get let loose like a wild animal at 5 p and, you know, go eat, go do your thing. And pretty much every, what was name of the hotel? It'll come to me. But anyways, hotel in downtown Prague that we're staying at every night, pretty much almost every night, a bunch of us would go to the casino, but Audra and I tended to be the only ones that gambled, whether I don't know why, because it was nine to one check dollars to US. So we were loaded.

Audra (02:09.487)

gosh, I don't know.

Audra (02:30.013)

yeah, we were having the time.

Dr. Beau (02:30.286)

yeah, so we'd play blackjack. mean, there wasn't many games there and let's just say the overarching theme was the Americans were not their favorite people and we were kind of the only people in there. luckily all of the dealers were kind of like, it's almost like people working at Disney world. They're, none of them were from Prague. Like the one guy was from Rome, his girlfriend was from Rome. so it's kind of cool to talk to all those people. We played blackjack.

Audra (02:42.46)

Not at

Dr. Beau (02:58.83)

So we're sitting there one night and I don't even know, I have no clue how we got on topic of like continuing ed classes or something. Yeah, just brilliance coming from fermented grapes. And, we were kind of talking about, yeah, we should like bring courses to the Southeast. Like there's not a whole lot. And then we were like, yeah, like Nashville would be amazing, which is where Audra practices. And we're like, yeah, if we did it, we'd have to name it something to do

Audra (03:05.851)

Many bottles of wine later.

Audra (03:10.587)


Dr. Beau (03:25.762)

gambling or something and we're like, yeah, blackjack. mean, again, we're a couple bottles of wine deep. And here we are almost a year later. I mean, it's going to be August this weekend. a year later and the big announcement is yeah, blackjack education is a thing now. And.

Audra (03:34.844)

I know.

Audra (03:44.23)

I'm so excited.

Dr. Beau (03:45.333)

We're our first course. I'll let you announce the first course now, or if you have any, there's tons of stories that we could tell from Prague and the little bits and pieces and almost getting kicked out of the casino. Thanks Brett Winchester. And, but yeah, our first course I'll let Audra get into that is, kind of the big announcement also of this podcast. And then we're going to jump off into why we're doing this in the first

Audra (03:55.517)


Audra (04:05.981)

So we are bringing the Brett Winchester to Nash Vegas the first weekend in April 2025. So pull up your calendar right now, save the dates. The course will start Friday the 4th. It'll be the 5th and the 6th of April 2025 in Nashville. I know, I'm so excited that we're actually officially putting this out

Dr. Beau (04:32.14)

It's pretty, mean, you and I, I how long you been in practice

Audra (04:36.413)

We're about, you're a little ahead of me. I'm like 10 and a half years.

Dr. Beau (04:37.87)

Yeah, like, yeah. So we're right both there. So 10 years in, we both done a ton of continuing that on our own. you know, I think you've hosted some stuff, maybe a clinic I have too, but a, the reason we kind of decided on Nashville is just more accessible, right? international airport, obviously, like you said, Nash Vegas is just blowing up. So there's a ton of stuff to do in this first course is in the Gulch, which is kind of the hip, hip area.

Audra (05:04.711)

Mm -hmm.

Dr. Beau (05:07.638)

So we're excited about that. And we'll talk a little bit about the gym. We're having it out and what we're going to do with the gym. but really us both practicing in the Southeast, you're kind of right on the tip of the Southeast getting into the Midwest almost, but like, it's kind of a desert for continuing education. So from the geographic standpoint, that's the big play is like, you know, I'm right next door to Atlanta. You're right. North of me in Nashville. obviously go down into Florida, you know, Orlando, Miami gets a lot of stuff, but we're kind of in this little like Island of not much.

Audra (05:22.407)


Audra (05:28.785)

Mm -hmm.

Dr. Beau (05:37.464)

I will say the Tennessee, what's that called now? Southeastern Chiropractic Conference or something, something like that. They do a pretty good job. But we just want to offer more of what, whatever we're to call our style of practice, the people that we kind of like to surround ourselves with. We want more of that, that's more accessible and for sure a lot more fun, which will be a big part of this. So what's theme of Blackjack education, Audra? Like, what are we, why are we going to be different? How are we going to be different?

Audra (05:42.417)

yeah yeah yeah

Audra (06:07.345)

Well, and this is what we were talking about when we founded this business in Prague, a couple red bottles deep, is just like, gosh, we all are in practice and students too, y 'all. I mean, it is just so, I don't know, sometimes you get so down. There's so many great things, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it gets heavy and you're just exhausted and you're like, why am I doing this? And sometimes you just have that bad stretch of like, am I stupid? What am I doing? Am I getting anyone better? And we just like.

And then sometimes you go to continuing ed, especially like, I don't know, some of your state run stuff or like stuff that's near us. And you're kind of like, okay, you're getting all this information, but you don't know how to process it. You sit by yourself because there's no one you know. And, or someone that doesn't like, is not interested in the same things you're interested in, which is totally fine. But you're just kind of like, God, I wasted my whole weekend and spent all this money. We were like, we would love to combine like from the doctor and student perspective of fun.

And what does that look like for you and I when we came up for this? Well, one, we like to work out and take care of ourselves. So we partnered with Shed Fitness. They are an incredible gym. like we said, we'll talk more about them, but that's where we're going to host it. And they are offering members who sign up for our seminar a free workout class before the seminar starts. I mean, how gracious and incredible. And it's just one of the coolest hip gyms, strength training

it's gonna be in the gulch. So if you stay anywhere in Nashville near the gulch or downtown, you can walk everywhere. So once again, healthy for you and fun. And it kind of gives you a break from the monotony of studying and practice and just is gonna put you and surround you with the top of the top. And we're gonna be able to have those conversations where you get that passion ignited. And then we get to go out and have some fun on the Nashville town, which I'm not gonna tell you exactly what that is yet, because that's gonna be a surprise.

Dr. Beau (07:59.65)

Yeah, and that's the other reason is if you, I mean, we can talk a little about Audra's practice. Audra's rubbing elbows with people that all of us would know who they are. So we'll have some fun kind of behind the scenes stuff that I think will just be unique. And that's part of this. That's probably part of why we're doing it. But outside of that, the reason it's also Blackjack Education is we're gonna tie in this kind of theme of

You know, let's say gambling can be a healthy habit if you know how to control it. I just listened to a podcast with, Michael Eastern. He was talking about scarcity brain and why, you know, all this stuff, why, slot machines work, but we want to use this theme of like fun because as most of us know, yeah, there's going to be great information from somebody like Brett Winchester. It's going to be great information from a course like DNS a, but if we're all being honest, I mean, I don't know how many times it'll be for you. This will probably be my fourth.

a course, right, just by itself, it becomes less about the material. Like you, pick up little points, right? Like, yeah, like I need to focus on that. I forgot about that. I've never heard that. I can apply this better, different for sure. That's going to happen. And it, depends on what stage you are in practice, student, new doc, seasoned doc, you know, whatever it is. But the bigger part of this is, which we can all agree on is you go like -minded individuals. If you're, you

Audra (09:04.251)

Something that like changes your

Dr. Beau (09:26.964)

As Winchester will say at the seminar, I guarantee you getting kicked in the teeth. you go to these things and it kind of revitalizes you. And I think there's twofold here. We don't want to be a Tony Robbins. You just get pumped up and go home with no knowledge. We also don't want to pump you full of knowledge and you go home kind of being like, God, there's just more stuff to think about. We want to bring both together. and there's, you know, Gestalt that Brett's part of does a great job at that. I mean, they built a model that, you know, we're not,

Audra (09:52.551)

Amazing, amazing.

Dr. Beau (09:57.304)

stealing their trademark or anything, but like they're doing a lot of good, you know, good things. So we want to mimic some of that and then bring it, you know, a little more local. And then it'll just be our own flavor. Like we've talked about some different ideas, what we can do, like we said, for the after party and the nightlife and really try to get people talking about it and making them want to come back and makes it selfishly, just like the reason people write books or whatever, it's scratching your own itch. It's right in our backyard. And we, wanted to provide that cause it's what we'd want, you

Audra (09:59.953)


Audra (10:26.781)

Mm -hmm.

Dr. Beau (10:27.19)

That's I think a big deal here. So let's talk a little bit. Let's hit all the details of this course and then let's kind of go through the backstory of clinical education where what we like to see maybe where we think it needs to go. But we said first week in April,

Audra (10:43.281)

Yep. And in the gulch of Nashville, it's just like a section right off downtown, like any big city, know, Nashville is like the main name, but then there's all these little sub units. It's an international airport that keeps expanding. There's so many direct flights. That's another reason you and I thought it was like a good idea. And if you're in school in Georgia, Florida, Kansas, Logan, Chicago, it's all driving distance. So instead of like having to go from Florida to Kansas, you just get to come to Nashville, which is fun.

We're gonna be near downtown. So if you stay in the gulch or probably downtown Nashville, you can probably walk and it's the shed fitness will link in all the stuff of the address. But it'll be Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And you can take one of the gym classes either Friday or Saturday before the course. And the course will start at 8 .30 and then we go to a 4 .30 and then Sunday, know, it just depends how much you get done, what time all that.

goes for. What else am I missing?

Dr. Beau (11:46.734)

I was just going to say, yeah, on this course and probably all future courses for, you know, let's say we hit that like downtown epicenter, Gulch area. We probably won't peg a hotel because you know, that people can use points and whatever you want card wise, but you can still be in the central area. And like I said, you can walk to almost all these places. We, you know, did a kind of mash mine group there, not this this year, but last year. And we just stayed right down there and went to, you know, CrossFit gym and then scootered around and did all this different stuff.

Audra (11:57.351)

Mm -mm.

Dr. Beau (12:16.876)

I think it'll be easy for people and that's what we want to do.

Audra (12:19.589)

Mm -hmm. And I think it'll create, like, depending what you're looking for, like, of course, we're going to bring the group together with, a fun, you know, like, happy hour nightlife activity. But maybe the other night or two, you kind of find your own mastermind group, I would call it. And you guys, if you guys are foodies, you can go out. There's incredible food. If you're more of, the cocktail vibe bar and the rooftops, you guys can go mastermind and hang out up there, or you can go honky tonking.

Dr. Beau (12:44.078)

And we also want to hear from you. You know, I've, when we've hosted courses here, like last time Winchester was in town, we did a live podcast. Those are kind of fun and we can do like a Q and a, which I think is good for people that, you know, maybe had time to have a few drinks and talk about some stuff from the course. And like, I wish it would ask this and you can ask it in a kind of forum. we're open to ideas too. You know, this is, have a little less than a year, but plenty of time to make this thing a what people want

Audra (13:06.352)


Dr. Beau (13:13.26)

We would like to, you know, kind of speaking for Roger here, we want to build a community rather than us to just pushing what we wholly want. And I think the more we get feedback, the more we kind of shape this thing. And, know, two years from now, you know, hopefully we're one of the, you know, once a year people like, man, I'm going to one of these seminars just because it's fun, even if it's something you've done in the past. And, you know, we do have, I'll drop a few hints here.

I'm talking to Michael Shacklock. So that will be next up as long as we can get his schedule to coincide and

Audra (13:44.196)

and Dr.

Dr. Beau (13:46.318)

coming up next. we got, you know, all our friends and our favorites and what some of feel like family at this point. But then that's something we also want to hear from you on is what, who do you want to see? What do you, who do you think is not being represented enough? Like, man, I wish we could hear from these people, especially in the South. Maybe it's people we don't even know of that could be great, you know, kind of break ice or ice breaking moments for them in this area. Like, okay, let's go hear from some new people and some new minds. So

We're open to feedback and like I said, we want to create a community. The website's up and live, Blackjack Education. We're on the socials,

Audra (14:21.795)

and yeah, Instagram and message us there for all that stuff like of what you want, what you want to see. Cause that's what we're going to check together and like keep having meetings about how we plan this. So that's the best way to get your opinions and thoughts heard.

Dr. Beau (14:37.838)

So let me ask you this. At this point in your career, mean, you have a clinic, you're on the road with, you know, people in the music industry for the most part, you're traveling outside of that for fun, it looks like. It sounds like, I don't know if you're ever home and you're a nice new house. But if you're going to take the time, right, outside of a course that we may be hosting, what are you looking for in a continuing education course at this point? Is

Like material driven, like man, I don't know enough about this. it like, you know, cause there's a lot of mastermind groups now too. Like is it, there's all these people going to this and almost a FOMO like, man, I want to go be part of that group. Like what is it that's driving you in particular at this phase in your career?

Audra (15:22.253)

being a business owner, I know you can relate to this, I want to do it all and everything and you learn in life and like after years of practice, you can't and you have to choose which is hard. So I think it ebbs and flows depending where I'm at in the business and everything but I always love material and even I like going back to seminars a second time because you know it's kind of information overload drinking from a fire hose like we were saying in Prague and

what key things did I miss the first time that I can really perfect before bringing in something completely new is kind of where I'm at right now. But then also I really have found so much value in the connection with other docs. And that can be from learning how maybe they word something or how they run the behind the scenes practice or how they market something to some stuff that I'm like, my God, that works so good for them, but that would never fit with my model.

but just being able to collaborate and have an open mind and just, know, network with people. It's also helped me, I mean, people are moving from Nashville all the time and to Nashville, but to meet other docs and other professionals, even, you know, students graduating of, hey, I know they have some similarity to what I do and we already have an open conversation because we've been at the seminar together. Here, let me connect you with them and, you know, be able to talk. And I think that's really helpful because we're all here to help people and that just can expand that network.

Dr. Beau (16:45.186)

Yeah, I would say, yeah, I, I echo all that for sure. And one thing, I mean, I have a few friends that are kind of on the periphery of whatever we're going to call this group. not like there's an in crowd or a click. just the people that are seminar nerds in our world. Like we're all going to the same stuff. That's how we know each other. We need to expand upon that, but the people that I know that are in our field that are friends of mine, you know, from before Cairo school and

Audra (17:01.597)

Mm -hmm. Mm

Dr. Beau (17:10.124)

I mean, they are coming to me like, hey, how do you stay connected with students? you know, can you get me connected with this person? And that is a, I wouldn't say that's a peripheral, advantage to this. would say that's a direct advantage to this. and, know, to say it any other way, I think it's just kind of like pulling the wool over people's eyes. Like, yeah, it's education, but it is a hundred percent networking, which leads me into, I would also like to see, more business seminars that aren't led by.

chiropractic business specialist. So this was a big piece of advice to me when I started my practice to get a consultant that's not a chiropractor or is not in that field because you want somebody that can look at your business without that kind of, you know, that colored lens or that perspective. I would like to see some of that because there's some great minds and the cool thing is building a community. If we can make this thing large enough that we can pull in, you know, some of those people that we all, you know, read their books or listen to the podcast.

Audra (17:43.282)

Me too.

Dr. Beau (18:08.518)

and listen to them. mean, the sky's the limit on what we can do. But that's kind of what I'd like to see is like, hey, what do we, we're not just missing clinical education. can promise you that. And we

Audra (18:19.037)

Yeah, it's so much more that is actually what makes your business and your I mean, I'm gonna go a little like whatever what's his name, but whatever it's like we got to be happy in practice or you're get burnout and I'm big proponent on that and like controlling the stress level and having people to vent to and I know that sounds like woo woo and whatever but it's so true and it's something that even in like our circle it's there but you don't talk about it and we all use each other for it of calling. my

I got my teeth kicked in as Brett would say, like, what would you do with this patient? I mean, I think that is something so helpful that's not mentioned. And another thing to change lanes without signaling, I'm really good at that. Circling back to one thing that Bo and I have in common, that is one of the reasons we also were like, let's do this together. Not one of us doing it on our own is you're not gonna get any bullshit from us. Like we're gonna tell you how it is. It's gonna be, and you know, we're gonna be honest with you.

whether that's things that have worked for us, things that have done it. But we are two of the people, I like a lot, but just so you know from us that there's no bullshit, like you said, we're not pulling the wool over your eyes or whatever. Like it is straightforward and it's gonna be good. Like if we're spending our time that we don't have, putting this together, and it's a lot of time, we've already invested a lot of time to even launch this, you're gonna get something that is up to world -class standard, because that's all our clinics are and that's all we'll do.

Dr. Beau (19:45.836)

And I, again, I appreciate the compliments, even though you're giving yourself one too, but I'll take them. But the thing they also, yeah, we're, you know, maybe time strapped, but then that shows you what we value by where we will put more energy. But what I would also say is we, like you said, we value, you know, being healthy, feeling good, having fun, and I can promise you one thing, and this is proven.

So if I taught a seminar, it is proven if you have fun and if you laugh, you learn more. like there's again, these what seem like peripheral benefits are actually direct benefits. And like we should target that rather than like, I got to go to the state convention to get my 12 hours. And you know, we haven't even talked about within our business, you know, will we see these courses? I mean, we could, I mean, that's, know, again, community, let us know what you want. But again, I think we can make this really, really cool where,

more voices are heard and people feel like they're involved, not just like going to these seminars. Yeah, and think there was just a lot of opportunities will open up because of that. Another question that I kind of wanted to just pose in general between the two of us. If you, cause this is a question I get all the time, I'm sure you do too. If there's students that are listening to this and let's say they're starting on

seminar bonanza, they're in the middle of it, they're just graduating and they're like, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to afford it. What would be your advice to them? Because the questions I get are this, what seminar should I take? And then you gotta decide, well, should you be taking a whole lot or like you said, honing other skills? Like how would you frame that for somebody? Like what are the must haves in terms outside of school? And then how would you tell them to do that in terms of when they're in school, when they get

And then as we go through it, obviously start filling in knowledge gaps. I think it's easier as you get out into practice. What about those first like year left in school to two years in practice? What would be your advice?

Audra (21:46.075)

Ooh, and that's a hard one. Well, I'm gonna echo what I know a lot of y 'all echo is like, if you are a chiropractor, you need to be in motion palpation and learning how to adjust. Like that's a non -negotiable and comfortable with it. Cause a lot of people are coming to you to get adjusted and everything else is a benefit cause they don't even know yet until they walk in your office. So that's number one. I would say one of the reasons we're bringing DNS A is partially for the students.

because it is such a good science base slash introduction to DNS, but it's the foundation. Like you literally learn everything in DNSA that you, like I do it with every patient partial of what I learned, because it's the stability, it's getting the diaphragm and core to activate correctly with the brain. And every injury, every case, you're using some of that stuff. So I would say that's one of the reasons we even said, let's do this one first. And...

Then from there, also depends how you want to practice of what I would like guide next. What about you?

Dr. Beau (22:49.176)

Yeah, I mean, it's so if you're going to like preceptor in here, I mean, we require that you are part of MPI because we just know that the adjusting skill level is going to be, I could literally give you a patient, you know, day one that you step into the clinic and it would probably be a comfort level thing, even though we don't do that. DNS a at a minimum, just cause again, you have to have a conversational level understanding of DNS, even if you don't know how to apply it. That's okay. That's not the easiest thing in the world sometimes. Yeah, for sure. I mean,

Audra (23:15.559)

We're all still learning.

Dr. Beau (23:18.264)

So here, well here, let's take a segue. I don't know about you, but I'm, you know, let's get your side of it too. When I went to Prague, I didn't know what to expect. I think you kind of, there's a little mystique to it. You go over there and you're like, what the, like nobody really tells you anything on purpose. So you show up to the first day and we had such a big group that we got split into two groups. We were at the Motel hospital and the other group was at move, what was it called? Move first or something. Yeah, I don't know.

Pavel's clinic downtown. so we go into the hospital. What I was blown away by was we all know, I'm sure within this realm, like the instructors that are coming over here all the time, right? Martina and Marcella and all, and all these people that are coming over. You go over there. So there was what I think 140 ish, some clinicians in the motel hospital, all walking around in like these white, almost nursing outfits and all these scrubs. Every one of those people.

is like one of us, like probably better if I'm being honest in the DNS realm. So there would be all these clinicians, right? That are all PTs, physiotherapists just walking through and they'd come into the class and they'd like be just randomly helping. And then they'd walk back out to go see a patient. The slow realization that you're like, like people seek me out in Birmingham, Alabama, Nashville, Tennessee for the specific skill set. And these people are just walking through the hall, like literally coming in and helping you.

Audra (24:18.225)

Mm -hmm.

Dr. Beau (24:45.324)

the poor little Cairo from Alabama do this thing better and you're like, huh, okay. So the humbling effect of that was huge. What was your experience with

Audra (24:54.027)

for sure. That, to piggyback off that, that for sure, but I loved when we were like split into the small groups and there was like five of us and we had our own patient. We got to work up with a clinician and they were hilarious. Like they are amazing over there. They called you out. What do you see? What would you do next? And why would you do it? And that just really forced you to like use your brain, although it was like smoking, cause there was so much new like stuff to put together. But I think that pushed me to grow.

a lot and was really cool.

Dr. Beau (25:26.124)

And that's, I, again, can't let too much out of the bag, but we're one of the things we're talking about with, Rich Olm is kind of doing almost a never before done class of almost like a DNS expansive intro. And you'd be like, isn't that DNS a you have DNS exercise one, you have DNS, a DNS strength training one, you have all these kind of like first level courses, which some of them, you know, you have to do exercise one and a before you can take like strength training one. But his idea was

I mean, there were certain things over there. Like this is one I've been talking about in the clinic is, do you remember when I'm in a blank on her name, the blonde, she, somebody asked the question of, well, when do you actually coach up like intra abdominal pressure and like you're, and she goes, woo, I'm glad you asked that question. Cause this is like my pet peeve. She goes, we don't coach it. We look for it to occur, which is a sign that you have, you know, good joint, centration, functional, centration, good co -activation and that you're actually, you know, it's a reflexive outcome.

of proper positioning and exercise. we were all, at least I was, was like, shit. So I brought that back and like my clinicians as they should, when I told them that they kind of pushed back to like, talk about like, how are they going to know how to do it if you don't coach? I'm like, you do like if we thought about, and I know we're getting a little kind of the weeds here, but like you do the DNS test, but then you're trying to see like, well, could I provoke a response?

Audra (26:30.225)

Yep, I said whoops.

Dr. Beau (26:50.304)

with positions, with different exercises, with, you know, reflex STEM, whatever it is. So I think there's a lot of stuff that could be addressed, right? So maybe almost like a non -clinical course that's a lot of like, Hey, let's kind of sift through all this, which would really help people create a better roadmap for just DNS. Cause there's so many options, especially courses, exercise, now strength training. I mean, it's, you know, it's expanding all the time. So, and we're just talking DNS. haven't talked neurodynamics or, know,

Audra (26:59.1)


Dr. Beau (27:18.656)

Stecho, all these things. So I don't know about you, Audra, but I see an opportunity for like forum -based conglomerate of things where we get people together and we're talking about stuff too, whether that's, you know, that's some of the fun stuff after the course or we do singular courses like that. But I think there's need for that overall because I think people gather all these tools and then we don't use a lot of them. So they become dull.

Audra (27:23.792)


Audra (27:30.939)

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Dr. Beau (27:46.764)

Maybe we do use them, we're not applying them as well as we could. And I think that's hard and that's R2P tries to do a little bit of that, but at the same time, we need more of that type of stuff. So I think we'd like to provide

Audra (27:57.297)

Yeah. And just even how we implement it into our clinic with our patients, like we both probably were similar, but spend different time with patients and different things. And like, what does that quote unquote roadmap, even though it's customized to the patient, but like, okay, are you starting in hanging stance? Are you doing something like in kneeling? Like how do you discern that or decide that? And I think that's always a fun conversation.

you know, that can change. And as we learn more, I'm sure you have that, me too. Like I've changed so much, my order and things. Like I had someone come in who had moved soon, who came back for work and they were like, my God, it's been five years, but you're doing something completely different. And I was like, good, that's a compliment. Cause I changed it as we learned.

Dr. Beau (28:38.894)

That's our current intern here. Shout out to Patrick Creer from Palmer. He said today, goes, man, good for you for just meeting the patient where you're at. And what he meant is, have pretty much every patient day. Me eight years ago would have been shoving down their throat, you've got to do this, I want to see this happen, we've got to improve this. And now I'm kind of like, it's almost like you have to let the patient reveal.

how much they're going to do, how motivated they are. We all know those hot button terms and trisic motivation and all this. But that's the stuff that I would like our company to be, maybe set up ourselves of fun, but also like, well, hey, let's come into a DNSa course with a super power in our field like a Brett Winchester and be like, yeah, we're gonna get all the DNSa stuff, but when

Like who's to say that Audra and I don't become moderators and we were like making sure like, hey, we want all these questions coming in for the two months before. And maybe there's 10 that overlap or like, let's make sure this gets talked about. And then hopefully you leave the course and you're like, man, a lot of stones got flipped over that might not have, you know, and I think that'd be

Audra (29:38.929)

Yep, I love.

Audra (29:48.059)

Yeah. And I think that's our whole emphasis too on like fun, yes, but like community, which equals fun. And we also want to know how best for that community serves you guys. Like, do you want a Facebook group or what do you like is community where you have access, you know, to ask questions or say what you want besides just DMS DMing us on Instagram. and the seminar is a emails where you just respond back to our, you know, what, what feels good to you and just like, let us know

Dr. Beau (30:15.426)

Yeah. so one thing we want to do, and this is kind of on the fly, just so you guys know, you know, the no bullshit, window here, we want to give away a course. we've been, we've been toying around with like how to do this best. And we were talking about this a little bit, back and forth before we got on this podcast. So what's our word going to be? What's the, what's the hashtag or what are we going to have people shout us out online? What do want it to be? So we've

We gotta have some gambling term. Obviously we're blackjack. I mean, it could be hit me, it could be double down, could be, what do we got? Hit me, right, hit me. Hit me, okay, so here it is. When you listen to this podcast, so if you're listening right now, you need to go share this podcast in some form on Instagram. We'll use Instagram, because that's the most, you know, probably used thing that we're gonna be channeled across.

Audra (30:54.535)

I like Hit Me. I think that's funny.

Dr. Beau (31:13.186)

So share this podcast in some form. Tag, what's our Instagram handle here? Boom, so BlackjackEDU and we'll be posting this podcast from there so it'll be easy to find. But tag us in that and hashtag hit me and you will get entered into a drawing for a free spot to this DNSa course, regardless if you're a doc or a student. So I know there's different price points but just one drawing.

Audra (31:18.855)

Blackjack, EDU.

Dr. Beau (31:40.462)

And let's say, so today we're recording this on July 30th. Let's give people tell we'll draw on September 1st. So we don't want to give you a ton of time. We'll give you a lot of time. We'll give you a month and we'll be reposting some clips out of this. So it reminds you guys. But you got basically at a month to listen to this thing, get your 2025 planned out. Hopefully the other thing that we will have coming up here in the next month or two, we'll see how.

Audra (31:49.071)

Okay, that's fair. That's a lot, that's generous.

Audra (31:56.244)


Dr. Beau (32:09.656)

how much more time we can find is getting some more people on the calendar, whether that's Shaqlok or Dr. Olm and having those announced, we can kind of help you guys plan out as well. But again, by the end of August, have shared this, we'll enter you into the drawing. You can't share it more than once to get entered more than once. So share it once, we'll get your name in the box. We'll do a drawing for a full free entry and maybe we'll do some little side prizes for other people that shared it that we'll only announce at the actual

Audra (32:40.06)

Yeah, I like

Dr. Beau (32:40.194)

So if you show up and you share it and we got your name on that list, maybe we'll have some cool gifts for people that did us some due diligence online. What else we got,

Audra (32:48.901)

And we're, well, I messed up. It's at blackjack underscore edu. But we're excited to have you guys help build what you want with us and just be a part of this and have some fun and help a lot of people.

Dr. Beau (32:53.006)

There you

Dr. Beau (33:04.098)

Now my question is, maybe not the guys, but the girls, might be going, does everybody get a pair of white cowboy boots if they show up?

Audra (33:10.653)

And jean shorts.

Dr. Beau (33:15.266)

I mean, if anybody's been to Nash Vegas in the past two years, you're seeing a party bus full of girls with white cowboy boots and jean shorts. I mean, that

Audra (33:23.889)

I mean, and everyone needs a cowboy hat, because that's what all the tourists do too.

Dr. Beau (33:27.756)

Mate, hey, we're already thinking about those swag gifts. So maybe we'll need shoe sizes. Technically you need a cowboy hat size too. So we'll talk about

Audra (33:33.483)

yeah, all right. Yeah. See, we're fun. This is gonna be fun. We haven't even been drinking. That's the best part.

Dr. Beau (33:41.026)

What else? Yeah, yeah, just wait. Yeah, we heard the Gestalt education company's wine budget. I don't know if we're gonna topple that this year, but we'll try to rival them for the years upcoming year. Are we missing anything? Is there anything else we should be hitting on this big announcement?

Audra (33:56.06)


Audra (34:02.385)

Now just go follow us for all the updates of everything that's to come and more details about this. Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions and share with your friends. Cause that's how we're all gonna build this and keep it going. And we're excited.

Dr. Beau (34:16.066)

And then if you do visit the website, which I highly suggest you do, blackjackeducation .com, scroll down to the bottom, there's the subscribe area there with your email. I would highly encourage you to join that list because that's where we'll be sending out updates about these courses. We may be sending out some little surprises in there. So you just want to be up to date and maybe, know, even before this course or after we start a little newsletter action, depending on what you guys want. Cause I think it'd be cool to do follow -ups on these things, you know.

you know, we were thinking about this or we pulled a case out. One thing we should bring up is there's probably going to be opportunities for special examples of cases at these things that I think you guys are really going to enjoy. So that's just another little teaser of actual patient cases from, I don't know. I don't know how I want to best describe that. Just some fun stuff. That's right.

Audra (35:09.797)

It's a surprise that you can only know if you come.

Dr. Beau (35:13.164)

So it's gonna be awesome. I'm super excited. Like I would be excited if I was a part of this, like just hearing this and be like, yep, I'm going. If you guys have questions, best way to reach us as Audra said is DM us and we're both kind of gonna be checking that. So hopefully we'll get back to you fairly quick. Outside of that, anything

Audra (35:19.281)


Dr. Beau (35:35.754)

Awesome. That's right. So sign up. Now this is one thing you and I haven't talked about. Let's talk about live. Let's show them little behind the scenes planning, why not? Do we know what's the limit on this? Are we limited on space? So let's make some people get a little anxious that they need to sign up today. What's our limitation size wise?

Audra (35:35.773)

That's rock and roll.

Audra (35:46.417)


Audra (35:57.149)

Well, we could go by what the gym owners told me the limits on the class size are. You want to do that? 30.

Dr. Beau (36:02.51)

which was, Ooh. So you guys heard it here. There may only be, we'll see. We'll have to double check that, but let's say for right now there are 30 spots. We'll double check that, but I would probably agree that, yeah, maybe we could fit five more if we're not, you know, doing power cleans and stuff during a DNS class, but you never know, Brett, he might.

Audra (36:25.327)

And I will say, like talking out loud behind the scenes, from a business perspective for us of like what we're gonna be allowed to do and how much fun we're gonna be able to have and what we're gonna be able to give away, the sooner you sign up is when we're gonna have, okay, like we can go hard here and like go all out instead of waiting till the week before.

Dr. Beau (36:39.886)

Yep. Yeah. So if we have 30 people, yeah. Yeah. If we have 30 people by the end of the year, mean, a there's two things. And again, I think this is good stuff to talk about. We have a pot of money to do fun stuff with, right? A predetermined amount of people, but it also allows us to, if we want to plan those events, it gets much, much easier to be like, we've got 30 people coming to this spot. the other kind of cool thing, which this is specific to DNS before we hop off here

Audra (36:57.038)

Mm -hmm.

Dr. Beau (37:07.062)

You do, you know, not toot in our own horn, but Audra's a DNS practitioner. I'm a DNS practitioner. So going to a DNS course that, know, if it gets over a certain amount of people, it's mandatory that it's assisted by somebody. not saying that's necessarily going to be us, but like we would also be there in addition to. So going to these courses, I can't imagine there's a course that we're going to bring into Nashville that one of us hasn't taken at least. So it's not like we're teaching level for neuro dynamics, but at least we've kind of been there. So it's again,

we're getting a second, third, fourth looks at different questions. And I think that that just helps kind of create an environment that's, know, fosters overall. You could be 20 years in practice, five years in practice, you know, two years into school and those varying levels of competency and knowledge just kind of all meld together and, know, make it, like I said, one big fun party.

Audra (37:58.501)

And I want to remind everyone, because I know when I was a student, I felt like this too, of like seeing the doctors that were at the top and there's not enough room. There's room for everyone at the top and we want to help everyone come to the top because that means we're going to help more people and have better quality care. So that's part of the reason why our hearts and souls are like putting this together and doing it. Because we truly believe that like, come on, let's all get to the top together.

Dr. Beau (38:21.58)

Yeah, if we, we could very well leave it a educational desert, just be like, let's roll and, you know, send each other patients that are, you know, too far outside the reach. That's not what we're trying to do. you know, and we, we mentioned it already, like that scarcity mindset, which is a good book. If you haven't read Michael Easter's last book, which maybe that'll be something we talk about, that yeah, we need to grow this entire community because,

You know, what is it? All the tide, all rising ships. I don't know what the saying is. Doesn't matter. That's what my wife does. She's the idiom like DJ. She's like mixing those things all the, all the time, but we need to grow it because then that just helps everybody. You get a like -minded community because I'm telling you right now, it's fine to be on an educate in an educational desert. It's not great to be in a clinical Island. And when you're just kind of out on your own, you can do some wacky stuff. You start making up your own stuff. That's not

Audra (38:56.925)

I'm bad at those, I mix them together.

Audra (39:03.559)


Dr. Beau (39:21.486)

you know, very valid, you kind of get lazy, maybe you get frustrated. You know, you just want to kind of have people to A, to lean on, but also keep you in check and then grow together. I think that's, that's just a key in any profession, let alone just ours. Yeah. Well, Hey, I think we, I think we hit all the high notes in almost 40 minutes here, which is pretty impressive for

Audra (39:41.509)

Yeah, and what's our saying? Blackjack education, what do we say, what we decide on?

Dr. Beau (39:45.624)

for our slogan, the best bet in education.

Audra (39:47.365)

Yeah. Okay. We're the best vet in education and we hope you bet on us.

Dr. Beau (39:52.334)

That's right. So again, one more time, blackjackeducation .com, blackjack underscore edu on Instagram, share this podcast, hit us up with hit me, hashtag hit me to be entered into that drawing. And we will, we might do another podcast. I don't know, we'll decide how we want to announce the winner and we'll announce September 1st. So regardless of how that comes out, we'll announce September 1st. So we'll be looking forward to

Audra (40:10.395)

I know, that's what I'm thinking.

Audra (40:19.037)

All right, well, toodaloo, y

Dr. Beau (40:20.963)

See you guys.